Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Celebration

Once again we are blessed by another one of our grand sons birthday. Elias Anthony Guatamuz is going to be one year old. We are going to have aunts, uncles, grandparents and great grandparents there. Elias has so many people that love him and we will celebrate him on his special day.

2010 has been a year of many BLESSINGS and surprises !!!!
I get this wonderful opportunity to be able to start all over again ,the mistakes I have made with my girls I have my second chance with my boys........

Both Gabriel and Elias are growing so fast and of course they are the most adorable little guys you have ever seen!!!!! Can you tell I am just a tad bit proud. I am blessed to have both grandsons here with us.

I look at my girls and can't believe that they are even old enough to have children.When I used to hear "they grow up so fast" I never thought it would just fly by like it did. I thought maybe if they were just just one or two years older and I blinked and they turned 22. Now, I wish I had those years back.
This time around I am cherishing the times I have with Gabriel and Elias . I will not waste any of the time wishing or even wanting them to hurry and get one year older. My girls and their sons are my world and I thank God He has given them to me.
I love you MY FAMILY!!!!!

Elias few hours old.
Our family, Elias a few months old.

My Family

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