It's been awhile but I am back. This weekend was WE Women's Conference and all though I didn't get to go to all of it I was able to go to the beginning and was blessed by the worship. We defiantly have some talented women at our church. If I could only sing..What is funny is I was in the choir for awhile.I don't know what I was thinking when I joined. So now I am in the audience where I belong.........
My girls were able to go and I did Gigi duty. This weekend I had Elias.
I know I have said this before but I am so blessed by having two of the most beautiful and sweetest daughters , they are just as beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.
Nikki, Elias, Natasha and Gabriel. Aren't they adorable??Gabriel is 14 months old and Elias is 11 months..
Elias is going to have his birthday party soon and of course all of our family the grandmothers (two) grandfathers(2) great grandmothers (two) and aunts and uncles...A lot of friends and we are praying for nice weather.
What is absolutely wonderful is we all live in the same area. My poor mom has had her children live in some cases different countries . I am blessed because I can have the boys anytime I want and I am loving it. This of course is my dream come true.When we take them over night the girls see it as a break for them but I get to spend time with these perfect little creatures that God has blessed us with. I don't know what I did to deserve this life but I am not taking it for granted.This is my PERFECT!
My daddy loved all his grandchildren but the girls were special because he watched them grow up. I remember how his face used to light up when they would walk in the room. When they would come up to him and put their little arms around his neck he was putty in their hands..... Papa was their hero, they thought he was the best!!!!!! and, he was. I hope that we as grandparents can have that same relationship with our boys as our girls had with them.
As I am sitting here thinking about my girls I can't believe they are 22 years old and they have children of their own. To look back at my life I wouldn't change anything (well maybe one or two things but yet don't we all have them) because if things were different I wouldn't have my girls and our handsome , wonderful, amazing grandsons!!!!!!! If I knew it would be this great I would have had my grandchildren first(I know that sounds corny but I love saying it)
I am a work in progress, God continues to show me things that I need to work on but thank God my family loves me.
I saw this quote Nikki wrote on FB
"Because true love is unconditional"
So true.........
So I guess this is goodnight, thanks for visiting my little corner of the world, as my daddy used to say "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite"
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