Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Days and time with my guys....

Wednesday was another snow day and I thoruoghly enjoyed my time with Eddy, got some good reading done and ended up having dinner with our family.I have mentioned how blessed I am to live in the same town as my girls and my grandsons. Last night the girls came over for dinner with their families and I got to spend time with both Elias and Gabriel. Since I work a good 5 to 6 days a week I don't see them as much as I would like to.
Thursday is my day to take Elias to CLC and pick him up and spend some one on one but last night I thought I would have him spend the night.He was just sooo excited about being with Papa E and Gigi he wouldn't go to bed until 1:00 am. Mom called and suggested I just let him cry and he will eventually fall asleep well I halfway did that. I was upstairs anyway and we went into the guest room and I let him sleep in the big bed with me. I couldn't put him in the playpen and just let him cry so I kind of compromised and anyway I wanted him to be comfortable.....
He did fall asleep and I think we eventually woke up @ 7:00. All in all it was a great night. I will have to admit I am a little out of practice but this Sunday is going to be Gabriels turn so between the two of them I will catch on real fast,,,,

To be able to watch them grow up is totally amazing. When I had my girls it was so different. I was 30 when I first got pregnant with my girls so it wasn't like I was a young girl but I felt like one because I have never had to raise children so when they came and the fact they were twins it was all a fog. I had to learn so fast and it seems days ran into months and years. The next moment I realized they were
teenagers and then the fun really began hahahahahaha. With having the boys right here with us it is wonderful to be able to watch them and help out when needed. We can spend quality time with them and have our one on one. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to change having my girls, that was the best experience of my life but since there was two of them and only one of me it was challanging. Poor Eddy worked so much he did what he could.He was and is one of the best daddys around......

So needless to say I love my Gigi time and look forward to many more times like this. Ya know I think I have the best family around. We are far from PERFECT but this is MY PERFECT. I praise my God daily for blessing me with what he given me. I don't deserve any of this but I don't and won't ever take them for granted. We are not on this earth for long so I am making the most out of what I have.

Until next time.......Gigi

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