Monday, April 19, 2010

Night Shift

Saturday was my night to take care of Elias. I worked a wedding and got off at 10:00 pm. I told Nikki I could take the night shift and let her and daddy get a good night sleep. I got the bassinet , diapers, ointment and everything I needed for the evening. I was excited.
Just Elias and Gigi.

Well, I must have forgotten the part where we tell the new moms you should sleep when he sleeps, hahahah. I did not listen to my own advice. I fed him around 12:00 then changed him and he went right back to sleep. He is such a sweet heart. Anyway, I put him down and thought I would go on the computer for awhile. Around 2:15 I was getting tired so I laid down and started going into a deep sleep when I heard this cry..............Yes it was Elias ready to get fed again. I put him on my chest and was hoping he didn't want to get up yet but I was wrong, the little one had other ideas. So...........we did it all over again. After I made a bottle, burped him and changed him this time both of us went down for the night. Unfortunately at 6 days old he goes for two to three hours at a time so yes, 4:30 or 5:00 we were up again and did a repeat. Eddy woke up around 6:00 took one look at me and asked me If I had a rough night. I didn't know how to take that question so I just ignored it. After I woke up Eddy took Elias and went upstairs to tell Nikki my night shift was over.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking care of my grand babies but I will tell you this.......God allows us to have children when we are younger so we can do all nighter If we need to. I can defiantly feel my age when I do things like this but I will be the first one to offer again. He is so precious. He cries when he wants his diaper changed or when he wants to eat but other than that he sleeps.

It's only been six days since he was born. I still remember the emotions and amazement when I saw Nikki give birth to Elias. I am honored and privileged that she wanted me there. I Will never forget that first time I heard him cry. To me that was the best sound . As I was in the room I just thought how our Family Tree is growing.

It started with just the girls and now we are expanding . I love to see them with their babies spending time together and having such a good time. Hopefully If we are lucky the boys will grow up together. What ever the case God has blessed us with such a beautiful family. They are healthey, and happy, what else can I ask for. I can't wait for this Mothers Day. I will be with my girls (and my mom) and their babies wow "It's a Wonderful Life"

Here are a few pictures of our newest edition

Papa E and Elias

Aunt Tasha and Elias

This is the best father and son

So you see this is my perfect little family. Yes, I said perfect. In my little world we are enjoying the blessings that God has given us. We don't take any of this for granted. I know things could change instantly so we take one day at a time.This right here is my idea of A GREAT LIFE!!!!! Until next time, Love to all. GiGi

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