This post is actually about what I have done and what I have to get better at..............As you know we have a beautiful baby boy who is 15 days old. He is the cutest and most handsome boy around....(until the next one comes, Nikki, her twin is due April 20 Th : ) so..............I get to be with that baby every day. It is kind of hard not to say anything because they live in our home. know what I am going to say? I try not to but I sometimes put my 2 cents in ......They have been parents for what all of 15 days. I think I have a little to share. Well of course grandpa thinks I am saying too much. He said that was half my problem.Of course you know I had a response to that. So help me out here, how am I going to not give advise or my opinion when you see them do stupid stuff ( I shouldn't of said that sorry) You want to show them or tell them differently. They of course know more than you. I think one of them said well mom It was 21 years ago things change. Oh really???How is it different ?Is It different the way they have babies?Do we change diapers differently or feed them differently??Please tell me how Is It so different???Maybe all the STUFF we use is different, excuse me we still used Pampers, had balmex cream for rashes, made formula, washed clothes. Maybe they think 21 years ago was the dark ages but like I said things were almost the same but a little more stuff. You see my dilemma. I know as my mother is reading this she is probably laughing. Sometimes I didn't want to hear what my mom had to say but never right when they were born, I think I didn't want to hear her when they were around 10 or so. I think as mothers I know I do count it a privilege to be able to share as a mother my experiences that helped me out when I became a new mother. I remember when my girls were a week old my mom came over and stayed at my house for the whole weekend. Mom took the crib out of my bedroom ( it was a 1 bedroom apt.) and she took care of them all weekend. She tended to them in every way . She took one look at me and saw I needed it. I had the biggest darkest black circles under my eyes you ever saw. She wanted to give me a much needed break. I was the mother of twins who were waking up every two hours. One baby woke up it took me one to one and a half hours to feed put her down got to sleep for a half hour and then her sister would wake up. OMG kill me now!!!!!!!! So, my mom was a tremendous help to me when I needed it the most. Eddy was there to take the night shift but he needed to sleep considering he would work from 7 am to about 9 pm every day.
They are going to move out soon but while they are here it's hard for me. Now after Eddy said what he has I hesitate to even go see the baby in fear I am going to be one of those grand parents that are butting in on their territory. So I go to one extreme to another. I hate it that he has taken the joy of being a grand parent. I always said I wouldn't be that type of grand parent that would give unsolicited advice or is a know it all (we have too many of those in our home already) help me what to do???????????
On another note Nikki is having her bundle of joy in 11 weeks. Nikki is due April 20th. The daddy is going to school up in Orlando so Nikki is going to have her baby(boy) there. I am flying up there and I get to be in the room.I count myself blessed that I am going to be able to share this experience with her. After the baby is born we will wait a couple of weeks so he can get his shots then we will leave to come back to Texas. Yes, I did say that. I am going to drive her and a newborn in a car for 18 hours in the car. This will give the phrase ROAD TRIP a whole new meaning. Nikki is moving back home. So.................. as soon as baby one leaves baby two will get here.Now THAT IS EXCITING!!!!!!!!!
I love my girls and their babies. I want to be a resource not trouble. I want this to be an awesome experience and I want to enjoy every moment I can. We all know It can be taken away in a heart beat.I want to make my time count for something. I love the family God has blessed me with . I hope this didn't sound too negative???I am just venting...............Till next time.
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