Friday, February 26, 2010
A Weekend To Remember
Eddy and I have just got finished a long busy week so we finally got a couple of days off together and went away.We decided to go to Austin Texas. As you can see here this is a gorgeous sunset. This place where we are is called the Oasis
This is a restaurant overlooking this gorgeous sunset. This has 4 stories of very unique furnishings and just like Texas its HUGE. It was cold so we couldn't eat outside but we were able to look outside and as you can see it over looks a lake.If this was the only thing we saw in Austin it would have been Worth the trip. The ambiance was exquisite!!!!!!!We had fajitas which were ok but like I said just to tour this place was an experience in itself. First off the drive was gorgeous. I felt like we were in Colorado. I did not know there were mountains in Texas. That shows you how much I know about the state in which I live in.........back to our trip the homes were bigger than I have seen in a while. We work in Plano Texas and we have some nice homes but these were defiantly estates. As you can see the view is gorgeous. Eddy and I talked about getting away and he searched the web to find the right place and boy didn't he find it!!!!!! You did great honey!!!!!
Eddy and I are going to be celebrating our 22nd year of marriage and right now I have got to say it's better now than it's been in a long time. Sure we have had some great times and NOT so great times but It's our love and strong commitment to God that see us through a lot of our issues.God is very important in our lives and it's because of Him that we have made it this far.
After we went back to the hotel we got some much needed rest woke up and got ready for some sightseeing. First we had to go for breakfast, get nourishment before we go out and see what Austin has to show us...........
As you can see we are at the State Capitol.The architecture is beautiful.
This is the ceiling cool huh???
This is where the Senate meets. Our Government at it's best.......
OK yes I am on Weight Watchers and this is not on my plan but.......... there was a HUGE sign on the side of the road that we just couldn't pass up. They have been in buissness for over 100 years and we just had to try it.I'll fast tomorrow lol. I have to cause we weigh in on Monday morning hahahaha
So we finally got home and how perfect is this we get to see this little angel and truely OUR GIFT FROM GOD!!!!!! We are so blessed to be able to have this precious little one in our lives. God is sooooo good!!!!
So, now it's time for bed , back to reality tomorrow. It's all good we had this weekend and more to come............Thank you God for allowing Eddy and I to have weekends like this. Goodnight and God Bless, GiGi
Saturday, February 20, 2010
It's All About Families
So to go along with that my family (as you know) is growing faster than I can write(-: Nikki as you all know is now eight weeks to go until the big event. It's been 21 years since I have had a baby in the house so I have to have a refresher course. I am just learning according to doctors as of today I probably did everything wrong for my babies.Of course, they survived but nonetheless they say you can't do this and that. There are so many new gadgets around to make things so much more convent that I look around and wonder " HOW DID WE EVER SURVIVE without all this new stuff???? I love these people who haven't been a parent of newborns for years and they think they KNOW IT ALL. lol That's ok I don't and I'll admit it.All I do know is that I love our grandchild and that's it, oh and I am taking that refresher course, and by the way I am having a blast. I am volunteering at our church so I am getting a crash course. These babies in the nursery are so sweet and I love being there.
This is going to be a baby shower for Nikki but we all know it's going to be about Gabriel.........How can it not be he is soooo adorable. Sorry Nikki but when Elias comes it will be all about him . lol
This is a before picture of Elias more pictures after the 20th of April to follow
So, after the shower we are taking Tasha to the airport then Nikki and I are driving to Texas. This is going to be an interesting trip. Nikki doesn't like road trips. I really don't know what happened here both my girls hate road trips but I adore them. I love to go and find new places. They are kind of little adventures for me. I would drive all the way and Nikki could sleep but I am driving and Nikki is taking her car. I am moving her so we need both cars. I'll try and make it fun.
It's getting late and I have been rambling. Hope you have a Blessed week and I'll talk to you real soon.........Blessings, Maureen GiGi
Friday, February 19, 2010
We have a little over eight weeks for Nikki to have her baby and..............three weeks before she moves home. This is an instant replay for am very excited. You know little Gabriel looks just like Tasha, wouldn't that be cool if Elias looked like Nikki? They would look like brothers. Yea, cool. When I look at Gabriel I see soooo much of Tasha.
So, In three weeks Tasha and I are going to Nikki's shower and then Nikki and I are driving home. That will be fun. I know seventeen plus hours doesn't sound like a lot of fun but.......we take detours and make it fun lol.................We'll tell you how it goes along the way(-:
Now I am going to paint Nikki's room and make room for Elias. This is what I like to do. If I had enough money I would buy property and flip it and then sell it. I used to watch Flip That House. It's funny I like home improvement shows and Eddy like the food shows.....Opposites attract.............right????????
Lets get back to Nikki, poor girl , she is having such a hard time of it. She is eight months pregnant and she is getting sick all over again. I wish I could take it all away for her but the great thing about being pregnant is eventually( 9 months to be exact )it's over , all the pain, discomfort and sickness is forgotten when we see that precious little baby.So...........Nikki it won't be long sweetheart and you will have your bundle of joy in your arms and everything is forgotten.When you all pray please pray for my Nikki. Please pray for a safe and a great memorable delivery. When I say memorable I want her to look back on this and say it was all worth it.Our girls have brought us much joy and I want the girls to know and feel in their heart how God is blessings them with these babies. They will change their lives forever.I am thrilled ,excited and so proud that our family is expanding ....................Stay tuned ,I have sooooo much to share. Until next time...........lots of love GiGi
Monday, February 15, 2010
Grandparenting part 2
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Upcoming Event
Natasha and Nicole are twins. Yes they are twins and both of them were pregnant at the same time. After the shock wore off it is funny. Of course Nicole doesn't think so. Poor thing is still getting sick. I was telling her it will pass after 3 or 4 months. With me it lasted 5 months because the doctor said I had twins naturally it would last longer. Well, with Nikki it came back.
Nikki has gone through so much in her young life. God is truly sending out many guardian angels her way. She was meant to do great things. Almost two years ago this mothers day Nikki got into a horrendous motorcycle accident. She was very lucky she wasn't killed. She has a huge scar to remind her daily of this. now, she was 5 months pregnant she had a car accident and the car flipped over and someone had to pull her out of the car and mommy and baby came out good.I keep on telling her God has plans for her because she has escaped death too many times. I call her my miracle child. She takes too many chances. I am hoping this child will make her realize she can't keep on going like this. She has to be a little more careful now because she will have someone depending on her.When we have children it's not about us anymore.!!!!
Nikki's and Anthony's baby name is Elias Anthony and he is due April 20Th 2010. This will be my 2ND. grandchild in less than a year. As you can tell we do not do normal. We do things in multiples(-:
This is Nicole 7 months pregnant. Unfortunately I have not seen her since Christmas so this is the first time I have seen her with a stomach. WOW
She is a beautiful girl and this is going to be a beautiful no ,I will correct that a handsome baby boy.I am going to Florida March 13Th for a baby shower than a month later we are going to have a baby. I am excited of course, our family is growing by leaps and bounds...................I just want my girls to be happy and help them in any way I can, to be there when they need me and step away when they don't. Pray for me(-: By the looks of it with my first grandson I need it..................................Love to all M.E.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
They are going to move out soon but while they are here it's hard for me. Now after Eddy said what he has I hesitate to even go see the baby in fear I am going to be one of those grand parents that are butting in on their territory. So I go to one extreme to another. I hate it that he has taken the joy of being a grand parent. I always said I wouldn't be that type of grand parent that would give unsolicited advice or is a know it all (we have too many of those in our home already) help me what to do???????????
On another note Nikki is having her bundle of joy in 11 weeks. Nikki is due April 20th. The daddy is going to school up in Orlando so Nikki is going to have her baby(boy) there. I am flying up there and I get to be in the room.I count myself blessed that I am going to be able to share this experience with her. After the baby is born we will wait a couple of weeks so he can get his shots then we will leave to come back to Texas. Yes, I did say that. I am going to drive her and a newborn in a car for 18 hours in the car. This will give the phrase ROAD TRIP a whole new meaning. Nikki is moving back home. So.................. as soon as baby one leaves baby two will get here.Now THAT IS EXCITING!!!!!!!!!
I love my girls and their babies. I want to be a resource not trouble. I want this to be an awesome experience and I want to enjoy every moment I can. We all know It can be taken away in a heart beat.I want to make my time count for something. I love the family God has blessed me with . I hope this didn't sound too negative???I am just venting...............Till next time.